Friday Aug 15, 2014
Friday Aug 15, 2014
Friday Aug 15, 2014
Guest // Jennifer Fugo, HHCHost // Kelly Brogan, MDNPR reports that 1 in 3 Americans is trying to avoid gluten. We’ve heard that eliminating gluten can reverse autoimmune disease, mitigate our children’s behavioral problems, and even help us lose weight and feel younger.Gluten-free must be a fad, right?The truth is, gluten-free can completely backfire. You can end up sicker and heavier, too.Let’s parse out fact from fiction on the whole gluten-free movement. Once we are thoroughly convinced that there is a role for gluten elimination in health, wellness, and avoidance of conventional medical care, then we need to get down to brass tacks:What is gluten?Why is it potentially dangerous to our health?When and for whom is gluten elimination indicated?How does one start a gluten-free diet?What are tips and tricks to do this on a budget?Are there other hidden concerns with gluten-free choices that can sabotage our health?Jennifer Fugo, HHC is the founder of Gluten Free School, an online platform that teaches gluten-sensitive women simple, savvy, and empowering steps to get healthy (a top pick of Dr. Mark Hyman’s). She is a sought-after expert, advocate and speaker on healthy, gluten-free living, and the author of The Savvy Gluten-Free Shopper: How to Eat Healthy without Breaking the Bank.
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
On today's show, updates on Big Pharma and US government’s assault on natural health, supplements and freedom of health choice. Also guest Scott Tips has been the General Counsel for the National Health Federation, the world’s oldest health freedom organization protecting citizen health rights since 1989. In 2007 he became its acting president and is the organization’s editor of “Health Freedom News”. He is the sole person representing health freedom to sit on the Codex Alimentarius commission, and is author of the book “Codex Alimentarius: Global Food Imperialism.” Scott is a graduate magna cum laude from UCLA, studied at the Sorbonne in Paris, and received his Jurist Doctorate from the University of California Berkeley Law School. The National Health Federation’s website is www.theNHF.com
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
The many chances the US and Israel had for peace in Gaza and why they ignored the opportunities. Gary speaks with Prof. Sandy Tolan is associate professor at the Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California, who over the years as a journalist has reported from over 30 countries during the past 28 years - including Latin America, the Middle East, the Balkans and South and Southeast Asia. A major focus of his work is the relationship between land conflicts, ethnic identities, natural resources and the global economy. He is also the co-founder and senior prof Homeland Productions, and independent publishing company of independent journalists providing in depth exposes for NPR, PRI and Marketplace. Among his major productions were Rpeorts from A Warming Planet and NPR's Living On Earth which received the George Polk Award. Sandy is the author of The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East, and the forthcoming Children of the Stone, about the building of a music school under occupation in the West Bank. He is associate professor at the Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism at USC. He is contributor to TomsDispatch and blogs at RamallahCafe.com.
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Science and Spirituality: Listen to Philip Comella author of The Collapse of Materialism.
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Today's guest was Alton Maddox and he will discuss “Legal Strategies for Combating Police Killings, Brutality.”
Tuesday Aug 12, 2014
Tuesday Aug 12, 2014
Part I: Pattrice Jones, The Oxen at the IntersectionPattrice Jones is an ecofeminist writer, scholar, and activist who, along with Miriam Jones, cofounded VINE Sanctuary, an LGBTQ-run farmed animal sanctuary that operates within an understanding of the intersection of oppressions. She is the author of Aftershock: Confronting Trauma in a Violent World: A Guide for Activists and Their Allies (Lantern, 2007), and has contributed chapters toEcofeminism: Feminist Intersections with Other Animals and the Earth (Bloomsbury, 2014); Confronting Animal Exploitation: Grassroots Essays on Liberation and Veganism (McFarland, 2013); Sister Species: Women, Animals and Social Justice (University of Illinois Press, 2011); Sistah Vegan: Food, Identity, Health, and Society (Lantern, 2010); Contemporary Anarchist Studies (Routledge, 2009);Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth (AK Press, 2006); and Terrorists or Freedom Fighters?: Reflections on the Liberation of Animals (Lantern, 2004). Her portion of the proceeds of the sale of The Oxen at the Intersection will go to VINE. Part II: Cherylyn Harley LeBon, FDA guidelines on Salt Cherylyn Harley LeBon is Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board. Cherylyn averages over 300 radio/television interviews and news article citations per year on behalf of Project 21. Cherylyn is currently President and CEO of KLAR Strategies, LLC, a public affairs firm. She previously served as a political appointee in the George W. Bush Administration; as a spokesman at the Republican National Committee; and as Senior Counsel for the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. She is a frequent guest on the FOX News Channel and national broadcast radio shows, and is a contributor to Townhall and Politicalistas. Follow her on Twitter @HarleyLeBon.
Tuesday Aug 12, 2014
Tuesday Aug 12, 2014
Episode 25 is not talking about killer bees, but about bee killers, the neo-nicotinoid systemic pesticides that most knowledgeable people outside the chemical manufacturers are blaming for colony collapse disorder. David’s guest is Dave Hackenberg, who owns a company that trucks large numers of honeybee colonies around the United States to pollinate crops, when and where they are needed. They talk about the importance of bees to many crops in the United States that will not produce seed without a pollinator, and how the concept of a systemic pesticide fills the entire plant with poison, including the nectar and pollen that feed the bee.Dave Hackenberg got serious about this problem when he lost 80% of his hives in the 2006 season, and his research led him to believe that neonicotinoids were the cause. Since then he has lobbied tirelessly, and awareness of this problem is certainly growing, thanks to him, other bee-keepers, environmentalists, and a few researchers who are brave enough to withstand attacks from the chemical companies.Politics is a big problem, and with industrial agriculture lobbyists funding so many politicians, getting political action is difficult. Even supposedly neutral agencies like the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and USDA (US Department of Agriculture) appear to be acting mostly in the interests of the chemical and seed companies. There are several lawsuits against the EPA and other government organizations for rushed and inadequate approval of pesticides.
Tuesday Aug 12, 2014
Tuesday Aug 12, 2014
Guest today was Michael Greys. He discussed “When the Law Is About Enforcement” and how tensions are high In St. Louis after Police shooting.
Thursday Dec 26, 2013