Saturday Feb 05, 2022
Saturday Feb 05, 2022
On today's Heart Of Mind Radio, we peek into a window of the past. What were people thinking back in April of 2020. Everyone was in lockdown, the vaccine had not been offered and everyone was concerned and somewhat confused. Host Kathryn Davis gives a
commentary on the state of Covid 19 with special drop-in guest Wuji Jacobs, host of Afrobeat Radio on WBAI, to discuss the theories, conspiracies, and apparent truths. Followed by a meditation for breathing.
Featured Music
Frog Dancing by David Anthony Clark, Navayee by Hale Spirit of the Wind by Don Conreaux, The Center by Vargo, Silence by Vargo,
Saturday Feb 05, 2022
Saturday Feb 05, 2022
This week on Economic Update, Prof. Wolff presents a critique of US Megacorp merger (Microsoft and Activision Blizzard), China vs US on inflation and economic growth, and the collapse of Boris Johnson (like Trump's lost election). In the second half of the show, Wolff interviews author Aviva Chomsky on problems and prospects of US labor and left social movements.
Saturday Feb 05, 2022
Saturday Feb 05, 2022
Poetry Rx by Norman Rosenthal, MD
NORMAN E. ROSENTHAL, M.D. is a clinical professor of psychiatry at Georgetown Medical School and was the psychiatrist who first described seasonal affective disorder and pioneered the use of light in its treatment during his twenty years at the National Institute of Mental Health. He has researched other innovative psychiatric treatments and is the author of several books including the New York Times bestseller Transcendence: Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation and the national bestseller Super Mind. He currently maintains a private clinical and coaching practice in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC. His work has earned him national and international attention in the world of psychiatry and psychology, as well as in the media.
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Dr. Rasmus reviews the historical background to the possible military confrontation in the Ukraine, going back to Gorbachev and the breakup of the USSR in the early 1990s; aggressive moves by the US to move NATO into East Europe after promising not to do so; then US efforts to push pro-Russian politicians out of Ukraine in 2006 and the US backed Georgian invasion of South Ossetia, Russia; followed by the US financed coup of 2014 and Russian responses in Crimea and eastern Ukraine and US unilateral withdrawal from the Intermediate Nuclear Weapons (INF) treaty with Russia in 2019 and moving of NATO missile systems into Poland and Romania. Rasmus chronologically describes events since Putin’s public article last summer indicating NATO in Ukraine was a ‘red line’, up to the current maneuvering going on between Biden and Putin since December 2021 and western European leaders’ shuttle diplomacy now underway. Why a Russian invasion is not ‘imminent’, as Biden claims, but is nonetheless still possible. A preview of Dr. Rasmus’ latest article, ’10 Reasons Why the US May Want Russia to Invade Ukraine’ is presented (see his blog, http://jackrasmus.com for the print version)
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Lower Dietary and Circulating Vitamin C in Middle- and Older-Aged Men and Women Are Associated with Lower Estimated Skeletal Muscle Mass
University of East Anglia (UK)
Age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass contributes to poor outcomes including sarcopenia, physical disability, frailty, type 2 diabetes, and mortality. Vitamin C has physiological relevance to skeletal muscle and may protect it during aging, but few studies have investigated its importance in older populations. Positive trends were found across quintiles of dietary vitamin C and FFM measures for both sexes, with interquintile differences in FFM% and FFMBMI of 1.0% and 2.3% for men and 1.9% and 2.9% for women, respectively (all P< 0.001). Similarly, FFM% and FFMBMI measures were higher in participants with sufficient than with insufficient plasma vitamin C: by 1.6% and 2.0% in men, and 3.4% and 3.9% in women, respectively (all P < 0.001). Associations were also evident in analyses stratified into
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
There's always more to know about the way cards work in our lives. Alexander and I have done many shows about them.
You're always playing your birth cards anyway so let's find out how they influence the way you see others.
The cards explain how our personalities function and we look at life through them. Therefore, we look at others through them. Of course, we expect the world to operate in how we're designed to function in it. It's the language of life that we speak.
We also want the world to speak back to us in our known reality but people have different cards and thus speak different languages of life.
It's too easy to judge people who operate so differently than us.
In this interview, Alexander Dunlop, our card expert, will explain how our judgments are so influenced. We'll look at particular cards and how they do this.
You can learn about your own card by going to Alexander's WEBSITE and put in your birth date. It'll immediately show you your birth card.
Alexander Dunlop, the author of "Play Your Cards Right", is a great ambassador of this amazing system.
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Description- EXPAT FILES SHOW #1123 FRI, FEB 04 (02-04-22)
Visit www.expatplanb.com for the complete info and sign up details or click or paste this seminar link into your browser:
#1- The subtler effects of the “Gringo Advantage”:
The things you might never notice but are always there nevertheless.
#2- When Latin lawyers engage in gouging and ripping off their Gringo clients:
It happens mainly on the tourist trail, though many starry-eyed gringos remain “marks“and never seem to catch on.
#3- A few tips and warnings about common Gold coins:
#4- Are there downsides to having solar power in Latin America?
#5- Pork barrel infrastructure projects and other govt lies:\Infrastructure bills and road expenditures seem good and necessary but are really just another political pocket-lining scam…
#6- Do you want to get into the exploding Crypto-currency world but don’t feel quite confident enough to dive in?
Our own Captain Mango has developed a unique one-on-one Crypto consulting and training service (he’s been deep into crypto since 2013). To get started, email him at:
#7- Be sure to pick up my newly updated, "LATIN AMERICAN HEALTHCARE REPORT":
The new edition for 2022 (and beyond) is available now, including the latest "Stem Cell Clinic" info and data and my top picks for the best treatment centers for expats and gringos. Just go to www.ExpatPlanB.com and click on the "Latin American Healthcare Report”.
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Dr. Peter McCullough talks about the fallout from his bombshell interview on the Joe Rogan Experience: celebrities have left or are threatening to leave Spotify because they’re angry Rogan interviewed guests like him who they say are spreading covid disinformation. McCullough has also been fraudulently fact-checked by several media outlets and says he’s willing to have a public discussion with any pro-vax expert as credentialed as he is but so far has no takers.
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
In this episode, Gerald talks extensively about the Truckers Freedom Convoy in Canada, Politicians and Bureaucrats, protests, lockdowns and vaccines. He also discusses the humanitarian crisis in Yemen and the continuous ways we are being robbed of our freedom. If we don't unite and fight, we are done.
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Bio:Sean Fitzpatrick, is the Founder and Executive Director of Real FoodShare. Real Food Share is a 501(c)3 nonprofit founded on the belief thateveryone deserves access to healthy food. Their mission is to transformand uplift our local food system to eliminate hunger.Sean’s desire to serve, led him to kick off Real Food Share in 2019, toprovide healthy food access to food pantries across CT. Sean has 20years of experience as a personal trainer and health coach and afterovercoming chronic skin and digestive issues through nutrition changes,was inspired to bring fresh, local, and nutrient-dense food to neighborsthat don't have access to it.
Creamy Penne with Wild Mushrooms and Broccoli1 Ib. Organic Penne1 onion, diced8 cups wild oyster mushrooms, cut2 Tbs. minced garlic2 Tbs. tamari1 bunch broccoli, cut into florets1 cup fresh or frozen peas¼ cup extra virgin olive oil½ cup white wine2 teaspoons dried oregano1 t. dried basil½ t. dried thyme½ cup sundried tomatoes, sliced½ cup pine nuts½ t. red pepper flakes (optional)¼ cup chopped fresh Italian parsley1-1/2 teaspoons salt1 teaspoon pepper1 cup cashews, soaked for 2 hours3 whole garlic cloves2 Tbs. nutritional yeast1. Coat bottom of cast iron pan with olive oil. Sauté onions, for a few minutes, thenmushrooms and minced garlic and cook for 5 more minutes. Continue cookinguntil the mushrooms start to brown and liquid evaporates. Add the wine andtamari and continue cooking again until liquid evaporates.2. Remove a cup of the mushrooms to reserve for garnishing the top.3. Add the broccoli, sun dried tomatoes, peas, dried herbs, and pine nuts. Deglazethe pan with a splash of water and continue cooking until the broccoli is soft.4. Drain the cashews. In a mini food processor, mix the cashews with 1 cup ofwater and the 3 cloves of garlic. Add salt to taste, 2 Tbsp. nutritional yeast, andblend until smooth, scraping down sides of processor to incorporate all of thecashews.5. Meanwhile, cook pasta according to directions in salted water, (al dente). Timeit, so that the pasta just comes out of the water, when you are ready to mix it
with the sauce. Reserve some of the pasta water to add to the cream sauce if itneeds to be thinned out.6. Add the penne to the pan with vegetables. Mix in the cashew sauce. Taste andadjust salt, pepper, and mix in the fresh parsley, leaving a little for garnishing thetop, along with some pine nuts.7. Serve the pasta in a large bowl, garnish the top with the reserved mushrooms,parsley, and pine nuts