Wednesday Oct 06, 2010
April 29, 10
HPV/Gardasil Special Cindy Bevington As an investigate reporter for the KPC Media Group, Cindy Bevington broke the story of a lead researcher in Merck’s Gardasil trials, Dr. Diane Harper, who raised alarm about the efficacy & safety of the vaccine, calling it “a big public health experiment”. Since then she has continued to follow the Gardasil & HPV infection controversies. She is currently a writer & researcher for both the National Vaccine Information Center & HPV vaccine: Scientific aspects, review of Dr. Diane Harper’s recent comments, research on HPV virus & the vaccines. Freda Birrrell long time political activist living in Scotland devoted to alerting politicians about the medical risks of the Gardasil & Cervarix vaccines. Knowledgeable of pharmaceutical lobbying efforts in the Scottish Parliament & the British House of Commons, she has presented the case to remove HPV vaccines several times. Freda is a member of the Board of Directors for the organization Truth About Gardasil, & has been monitoring adverse effects throughout Europe, India, New Zealand & other countries, including the US. HPV vaccine: adverse effects from other countries; review of Cervarix. Marian Greene Co-Founder, Chairperson,, an organization that brings to public attention the on-going adverse effects of the HPV vaccine & is a network for parents with children who have suffered from inoculation; it also provides counseling support & information resources for parents wish to inquire about the vaccines before submitting their children to the needle. Marian became involved in the Gardasil controversy after her 16 year old daughter Holly, a first class athlete with Olympic ambitions, almost died shortly after a single does shot of Gardasil. HPV vaccine: Adverse Effects in the US; Merck’s activities to promote further; Cervarix being launched in US. Alan Phillips: Attorney, practicing vaccine exemption & waiver law & individual & legal rights on vaccination policies; Advisory Board member of the American Chiropractic Autism Board, the World Association for Vaccine Education; co-founder of the North Carolina Citizens for Healthcare Freedom. He is the author of the e-book “The Authoritative Guide to Vaccine Legal Exemptions”, offering concise, indepth information on state & federal laws for those who wish to refuse vaccines. has information on vaccine legal information for citizens. Legal recourses to avoid HPV vaccines